Site Updating

11 July 2016 by Bob North

With careful design, it can be possible to make changes to a live site without adversely impacting users. However, there are times when it is sensible to take a copy of a site, makes changes to that, and then apply the changes in a single ‘upgrade’ operation to the live site.

The obvious challenge here is that you do not want to simply swap out the live site with the new one, since the live site will have recent transactions and data changes of its own that will want to be preserved and merged in with the update site.

The Site Manager's Upgrade Site function manages this neatly, allowing a snapshot of the live site, that has had architectural changes made to it, to be applied to the live site, combing the two to apply the architectural changes while retaining any data and transaction changes that have happened on the live site in the meantime.

For more information see:









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