Developing websites for YOUR customers using clearString clearstring provides a full hosting and billing system so that website development companies can host their customers' websites on their own server and then bill them monthly. The system manages everything from hosting to metering to reminders and credit control. The license enables you to host an unlimited number of websites and have an income stream from each one - all managed automatically. Q. If we purchase the Unlimited Website license and create a site from the software and then want to re-sell that are there any financial implications? A. To understand this we need to separate out the concepts of 'site' and 'server'. In order to run a neatComponents or clearString website you need it to be run from a server, which has the nC software installed on it. There are different types of license available - for example, the Single Website license type will only allow a single site to be run using it, whilst the Unlimited Website license will run an infinite quantity of sites. This means you can create a site, and sell it to someone else. However, for them to run the site, they will either need it to be on a server of their which has a license - which they would need to buy , or it would need to be hosted on your server and they would pay you a fee for hosting it. You need to factor the cost of the license into your pricing for the job. clearString saves you days of work so your construction charges will be much lower than your competitors - but you will need a license. Q: Does that mean I must buy an 'Unlimited' license if I want to develop websites and applications for resale? A: No - not necessarily! You can use the Free License. The Free License is designed to be used by developers to create sites before they go live. The license allows it to function whilst you are developing the sites, but makes it unsuitable for running busy sites - when lots of different people will be visiting them. Q. What is a typical scenario? A. So a typical scenario would have the developer running a free rate-limited license themselves, and each time they sell a site, they move it off onto their customer's machine, and who purchase a single-site license for it. The finished site is then hosted wherever the end user wants: locally, on a VPS, in the Cloud - or on your server. Q. Which license should I buy? A. Where there are lots of sites involved, and if the developer wants to profit from the hosting side of the business, the developer can purchase a Unlimited Website license, and then host lots of live sites on it. If you don't want to get an income stream from hosting your clients' websites then you should bundle the price of a Single Website license into your job. Tip: Pay-as-you-go payment options are available for both types of license to keep up-front costs to a minimum and ease cash-flow though your business and theirs. The choice of which license route to take is a business decision that you have to make, based on the quantity of sites you are looking to create, how much you can charge for their hosting, etc. |