Core values in clearString

25 November 2011 by Bob North

Sometimes we get so excited about all the new features in clearString that we lose sight of what we consider the 'basics', but which continue to amaze new users more used to buildings sites the hard way.

So lets take a quick look at what you can now take for granted when building a site:

Automatic navigation links.

As you build a site, dragging and dropping pages into position, the system automatically builds your navigation links for you. This includes dropdowns, flyouts, and it also takes into account what permissions the user has: so they don't get shown links to pages they aren't allowed to see. Drag a page around, or rename it, and the navigation automatically adjusts. You just don't need to think about it.

User management

Even the most basic of sites uses permissions: you the administrator need permission to construct the site, and your visitors need permission to view it. And often you'll want to add more user groups to give some people access to see extra pages (say if they 'members' or 'registered customers') or you might want to allow some people to edit some parts of the site, but not others. The system provides a ready-build user management system, complete with registration sign-up, login, password reminders, an integrated permissions model and content approval notifications. You can have as many user groups as you like, and individuals can be members of any combination of those user groups. No limits; just make it as complex as you need.

Consistent styling

Chances are you'll want all the pages in the site to share the same look and feel, so to make this really easy we have the concept of 'inheritance'. This means that all the pages in a section of the site will take on the styling, settings and permissions of their parent section. Change the parent, and all the children follow suit, automatically. Move a page from one section to another, and it will instantly adjust to suit the settings from its new parent. And of course if you have a page that just needs to be different, you can always override an inherited value if you need to.

Instant updates

Many system make you make changes on your local machine, and then upload them to the server, causing all sorts of problems with consistency and staging, but here the changes are made direct on the server, so can go live instantly. And for those situation where you need to try something out before it goes live, there's an integrated version control system that allows you (or an assistant) to construct a 'Future page' and then approve it to go live later on.

Any number of administrators

This is more a licensing issue than a feature, but it's important nonetheless: because we provide so much flexibility with permissions model, there's no real distinction in our minds between a site administrator and a user. So unlike other systems we don't lock you down to a fixed number of administrators, or make you pay for extra ones: in the age of user-generated-content and dispersed organisations anyone can be an administrator – with your permission.

Visit the clearString website to learn more, and to get your free trial.









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